Secret & Hidden Archaeological Finds from the Bible!

Anyone associated with Bible lands archaeology and the Bible-believing community occasionally comes across amazing claims. This headline will gain a lot of folks’ attention: Secret & Hidden Archaeological Finds from the Bible!!! Such assertions issue from the ranks of amateur archaeologists with no archaeological education to guide them in actual scientific research. In other words, this is not Indiana Jones and you don’t keep digging till you strike gold!

Usually, wannabe archaeologists perform “excavations” under cover of darkness and without any governmental permits. They take quick photos, always murky, distorted, digitally-enhanced, “the best they could do” with the given conditions. Their finds may never be examined, studied nor Carbon-14 tested. They might claim to have found (I’m making this up in an effort not to point fingers): Moses’ leadership rod, King Solomon’s crown, the cross of Jesus (actually that has been claimed with enough wood produced to populate a small forest…) and the Apostle Paul’s business card for his tent-making shop (sorry, I’m running out of ideas here…).

No. No. No.

There are real, bonafide, Bible-confirming, LEGITIMATE artifacts being uncovered every day in licensed excavations in Israel to thrill professional and amateur archaeologists alike. This is providing preaching material for decades to come. There’s no need to manufacture finds that, quite honestly, have never been found. Reality is exciting enough these days. Each excavation revealing bonafide features and artifacts which match the Biblical record points to the veracity of God’s word. To hire professionals for such excavations that leads to unbelievable discoveries, one can click here.

But fake finds and outrageous claims do not help any cause. In essence, they undermine believers’ efforts because they are making unverifiable claims.

Okay, I hope that answered some questions! Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to search for Moses’ baby basket….

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